Blessed be the name of the Lord...
Every window in my house is open today. Even with the buzz of traffic on Jefferson Avenue out front, I love it. For over an hour this morning I could be found out in my back yard, soaking myself in the September breeze and the Word of God. It is a balm to the soul...all that which is God-breathed. The Word. The wind. Creation. A couple of years ago, I remember walking to the mailbox at the office where I worked. It was late February. A touch of warmth mixed in with the chill in the air, and I heard Him whisper... Spring is coming. I remember drinking in the revelation in the deep parts of my heart that what He promises, He gives. He has been faithful to a thousand generations, and when He says spring is coming, it comes. The cold ebbs away to make room for the warmth. Growth begins. New life happens. I remember this, and I think of the two year olds, in my class at school...twirling, moving, wiggling, singing, discovering. Spring. And then I think of the sharp, brutal reality of death....