
Showing posts from September, 2011

Blessed be the name of the Lord...

Every window in my house is open today. Even with the buzz of traffic on Jefferson Avenue out front, I love it. For over an hour this morning I could be found out in my back yard, soaking myself in the September breeze and the Word of God. It is a balm to the soul...all that which is God-breathed. The Word. The wind. Creation. A couple of years ago, I remember walking to the mailbox at the office where I worked. It was late February. A touch of warmth mixed in with the chill in the air, and I heard Him whisper... Spring is coming. I remember drinking in the revelation in the deep parts of my heart that what He promises, He gives. He has been faithful to a thousand generations, and when He says spring is coming, it comes. The cold ebbs away to make room for the warmth. Growth begins. New life happens. I remember this, and I think of the two year olds, in my class at school...twirling, moving, wiggling, singing, discovering. Spring. And then I think of the sharp, brutal reality of death....