In November...
In November when the wind is red, and the leaves are cold, I feel old. I jotted those lines down today, stopped at an intersection in town. I have felt that feeling before, but this is the first November that I've been able to put a name to it. The name is, simply, old . I feel aged in November, as if, really, underneath this quarter century of experience there should really be three quarters. Because I know what's coming. I know that this turning of seasons in the natural is also a spiritual metaphor. We are all turning. Aging. Changing. Shifting. But the oldness makes me feel happier, somehow. Not in some morbid way, but it makes me feel nearer to that which my spirit-man longs for. Even as I rejoice in the coming spring of my baby's birth, I can't help but ache just a bit for my final autumn. I feel old, in that I have begun to welcome the changing seasons. I am not quite...