David's Birth Story

Well, it’s taken me much longer this time around to sit down and write my third child’s birth story. I wonder why? Haha... These past almost-15-weeks have been filled to the brim with the antics of certain 4 and 2 year olds, changing lots and lots and lots (and lots) of dirty diapers, not very much sleep until recently, and so many sweet baby snuggles. It’s been both a challenge and a blessing to “go backwards”, as it were. We had kind of gotten past the baby stage and had enjoyed two whole years of both of our kids sleeping through the night in their own rooms (!!). So this transition has been sweet, fun, hard, exhausting, crazy, and all kinds of other adjectives my brain can’t think of right now. :) Sunday, October 15 was David’s due date. We went to church that morning and I started having contractions during the service...not painful ones, but enough to get my attention. They continued through lunch, so Dan and I decided we should go get checked out before leav...