
This afternoon I was surfing know, when you start following links from your newsfeed, to a friend's wall, to their friend's wall, to their friend's wall...and suddenly you're somewhere looking at pictures of people you don't even know, because you found something interesting. (At least, I hope I'm not the only one who does this...haha...)

I was looking at some cute photography ideas with kids, and a comment on an adorable shot of a little girl caught my attention. It said something like this - "She's sooo cute...she would be a gorgeous model when she grows up. Too bad her doctor said she will only turn out to be about 5 feet tall. Oh, well."

The genuine anger that filled my chest...I can't even explain it - anger that someone would have the gall to insult a masterpiece, created and stitched together by the hands of God Himself. Our value is not defined by the height we achieve, or your chest size, or your waist measurement - your value has been breathed into you already, by a Father who loves you relentlessly. That someone would actually consider it "sad" that a little girl would be any other height that the height she was created to about stirring up some righteous anger in this girl right here...

We women have believed the enemy's lies for far too long when it comes to our appearance.

He says - If your complexion is not clear, then you are not beautiful. That is a lie.

He says - If you don't fill out that shirt just right, you are not beautiful. That is a lie.

He says - If you can't get a tan in the summer, you are not beautiful. That is a lie.

He says - If your hair doesn't shine when the light hits it, you are not beautiful. That is a lie.

You are beautiful - little girls, teenage girls, young women, middle-aged women, older women - you are beautiful because you are made in His image.

And we have believed something else, too... This may be slightly controversial, but I am so convicted on the need to say it. Sometimes, we women who are trying to believe the Lord, end up taking out our enemy-plotted insecurity on immodestly dressed women. Somehow we have believed that if we won't join the "worldly", scandalous women, then we will beat them. We will talk about how trashy they are, how they make men lust after them, how horrible the world is. And it's true - sin is horrible, and the lies they are believing are sin. But behind those immodest outfits, worn because of lies that are being believed, is a heart that does not know its own value. And being the Kingdom does not mean condemning those hearts. We also need to understand that we are not valued any more by the Lord just because we are not dressing the way they are. We are only aware of our value, so we no longer feel the need to find it in the attentions of people. Father has placed that same value on these other girls - you are not valued more for the more clothes you wear.

I am so convicted in my spirit lately that the reason for immodest dress in this world is directly related to a lack of understanding of value - of worth. Women no longer believe that they are the beloved of the Lord - they feel that they must prove something, or attract attention the only way they know how. But that, too, is a lie. If only they would hear the voice of the Lord crying out - "You are my beloved! You are the one I have pursued! Your worth and value have been planted in you by Me...and that cannot be taken away."

So girls - know your value, and the reason for it. You are made in the image of God, and He delights in you. Step into your identity, stop believing the lies.

And after stepping into your identity - don't condemn those who do not know their own value yet. Do not judge them. In this, we become Pharisees. Instead, at every opportunity, speak to them of their worth - of our Father's love for them - tell them that He values them. Speak life to their spirits, not condemnation. Speak honor, and compassion, and agape.


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