...4 months in review...
I was shocked to see the date of my last post - November 3 - when I logged into my Blogger account just now. It's crazy what the holidays will do to you... the chaos seems to put quite a limit on time spent reflecting, at least for me.
It's been a very full 4 months for Dan and I. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we enjoyed spending time with my extended family, as well as traveling to Utah for 10 days in December. While there we met our little nephew, Aaden, for the first time. He is quite the charmer. His Aunt Hannah was in her element, having a baby to hold and play with...and Uncle Dan thought he was pretty awesome, too. Hehe...

We came back to Tennessee right before New Year's, and celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. My Mom blessed all 3 of her older children and their spouses with very special "Marriage Quilts"... quilts she had made herself to symbolize our individual marriages, which she spent many hours praying over as she worked on them. A very dear Christmas gift, to say the least.

January found us back to work. Things have been somewhat more intense for me this second semester at Peachtree, and work for Dan has been quite a rollercoaster ride. His boss has a major surgery a couple weeks ago, so he has been the acting store manager. In the flesh this is very frustrating...but we are trying to see through the circumstances and watch for the Kingdom purpose in it all.
In January/February we got to experience 3 weeks without a water heater...and it's crazy how much Father can teach you through something as simple as not having hot water for an extended period of time. He teaches you things about gratefulness, and what "lack" actually is. And lack is most certainly not not having hot water. It changes everything when Father begins showing you that everything is spiritual...everything is significant. Truly a powerful paradigm shift.
It is hard to be believe that we have been back in Tennessee for almost a year now. The months have flown by, and suddenly it's time to plant our second garden behind our little Jefferson Avenue house. We are excited to be gardening again...last year was so rewarding - and delicious!
We have been receiving and digesting so much from the Lord these past few weeks and months...more than can fit in one blog post. Perhaps another day... For now, suffice it to say that He has been teaching us His fair share of gardening techniques.
So excited for spring after the winter... Father is so amazingly good.
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