
Showing posts from July, 2011

The Lord is My Shepherd...

This song (click "This song" to go to the Youtube video) ministers to my heart so much... simply the words to Psalm 23 and prophetic worship birthed from it... but listening to it and receiving it, I realized today what it is to speak that passage over myself, over my family, over my life. I have had Psalm 23:1-6 memorized since I was probably 5, but it is not just poetic, soothing words. It is a powerful declaration, and in believing it we are believing against so many of the enemy's lies. The Lord is my Shepherd... I will believe that God, the Creator of the universe, takes time to lead me. He comes calling for me, caring about where I am and where I will go from here. He leads me intentionally, diligently. ...I shall not be in want... God is my provider... He has given me everything I could ever need when He gave me salvation in Jesus Christ - He has put the fullness of Himself inside of me. I shall not be in want of anything ! He makes me lie down in green pastures...

Sweet summertime...

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last wrote. This summer is flying by... For Dan and I it has been full of more projects around the house and garage, me planning for the school year at Peachtree , and trying to find time for the soul-energizing activities that we moved to Tennessee for. We have loved our chances for a few afternoon wadings in the creek on my parents property, and we have been finding more time to dive into our common passion for worship. It is such a joy to have a spouse whose heart resonates with the yearnings and loves of your own. Truly. I have been trying to be more intentional in planning our meals this summer. I finally understand the responsibility my mom has always felt for feeding our family as I was growing up. There is such a call in my heart lately to feed my husband well, and any children that may be in the Lord's plan. So recently I have been baking whole wheat bread, and trying to veer away from processed junk food. Chicken s...