The rule and the exception...
Married musicians + a small house = a room of wall-to-wall instruments, music literature, binders full of lyrics. There will probably come a day when we move from our lovely little Jefferson Avenue abode and have more room to spread out our musical paraphernalia , but for now it makes me happy to stack the binders, and move the guitars to get to the bookshelves. The house where music dwells is a glad one.
The Lord has been pouring out music in our house lately like never before. My soul leaps at the thought of singing with Dan in our living room or our little office, because I know the Lord is going to meet us there. Songs He brings, revelation He gives...worship in the home with whoever happens to be there is a powerful thing. And it should be the rule, not the exception.
It's so very easy to be distracted by the mundane and forget that there is a Lover who longs for our attention, Who longs to spend time with us. In the rush of schedules and traffic and lunch dates and meetin...