Reasons for resurrecting the blog...

Reason #1
I have been stuck in, what I have chosen to call, an 18 month writer's block. I have decided that the only way to force myself out of that condition is to force myself to write. So here I go.

Reason #2
I have extremely interesting things to blog about in this season of my life (or, at least, things that I would enjoy blogging about). I am a wife, which means I cook things, and have husband-wife relationship discoveries, and house-cleaning mishaps, and grocery shopping stories. Among these every-day experiences there is revelation and adventure to be found.

Reason #3
God is teaching me and growing me a ton in this season. Nothing like marriage to teach you how much you suck at being a nice person. But in that you also find a new appreciation for grace and unconditional love.

Reason #4
There are always reasons, no matter the season, to be putting down on paper (er...cyber paper?) the new and deeper things that God is revealing to you about Himself through reasons 1-3 listed above, and just through daily and momentary encounters with the Holy Spirit. I want more of Him - on a daily basis, on a minute-by-minute basis. And capturing those interactions with Him in some tangible way, whether it's journaling or blogging, always serves as a great reminder of His faithfulness and realness. And I love that.

So here is to a new resolve to write. We shall see how it goes.



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